A discovery interface for students and teachers to search and access all your print and digital resources, including eBooks, audiobooks, and interactive books, as well as one search databases.
Destiny includes multiple interfaces:
Classic is used by patrons for searching the catalog and placing holds-where applicable.
Back Officeis for library staff to customize their site, circulate books, take inventory, and run reports for their school.
Discover allows patrons to view your school library catalog. Users access online resources and external databases available through it, as well as login with a username and password see current checkouts, place a hold, and renew items. Print and eBook content from Destiny Discover can be accessed by the user and can be configured for easy access for younger students. Destiny also includes One Search™ that can be configured to allow the integration of paid and free databases.
If you have any questions or need equipment for inventory please contact us at lacat@neric.org or you can place a hold through Follett using the following search terms:
Adding A Patron in Follett Destiny -Please Note : Most public school students are updated nightly with the information in their schools Student Information System (SIS). Changes to their Destiny patron record should originate with an update to the SIS information.