Available at no charge to all schools through the New York State Library. NOVELNY databases are offered at no charge from the New York State Library. For descriptions of NOVELNY databases, please Click Here.
Please contact the School Library System for assistance with NOVELNY Databases.
NoodleTools promotes best research practices and inquiry learning. NoodleTools features integrated tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing.
Please register first under New User Registration/Subscription type. Email BRI for How-To Guide.
PK Science helps students gather, describe, and use information to understand the natural and designed world. Comprised of curriculum-correlated content, PK Science promotes STEM education, Next Generation Science, digital literacy, and 21st-century learning skills while offering research, report, and homework help.
Extensive library of a wide variety of music, audio themes, and sound effects for grades K-12 and universities to ensure your copyright safety. Perfect for podcasts, videos, news shows, video yearbooks, digital storytelling, TV broadcasts, web design, and so much more. #1 Royalty-Free Music Company for schools.
Rosen Digital publishes award-winning K-12 nonfiction; eBooks and Interactive eBooks powered by the new epointplus enhanced reading experience; apps, games, and interactive databases. All are tablet, smartphone, and Chromebook compatible and are aligned to state, national, provincial, STEM, and Common Core standards. Empower all students to Explore, Learn, and Create with Rosen learning solutions.
Our region currently has access to:
If you are interested in other topics, let us know. You can also purchase them for your individual school districts too. You can view their catalog here
Lightbox Learning's mission is to create high-quality, curriculum-aligned classroom and library solutions that empower educators and inspire students. SLS provides over 319 interactive, simultaneous use titles for grades K-12!
Simply click on the “advanced search” tab, then “subscription” tab and each of the titles in the respective imprints will appear for you!
Gale eBook student collections focus on curriculum-aligned topics, social and emotional learning, equality and more. The Gale eBooks homepage allows users to either browse by subject or search the full catalog. The search results reveal relevant content at the article and chapter levels for ease of finding information. The HTML article-view provides an easy browsing experience. Integrated directly into the user’s workflow formatted citations can be exported to a variety of services and platforms.
Educator PD Collections
Over 6,000 web-hosted eBooks offer curriculum-based, high-interest fiction and nonfiction content that meets with national and state curriculum standards, as well as Common Core standards. Featuring 24/7 unlimited simultaneous access and iPad, Android tablet, smartphone, and Chromebook compatibility for use anytime, anywhere, epointplus is the BEST eBook solution! Individual accounts allow for users to save their work with notebook features such as making freehand drawings, creating reminders, taking notes, and highlighting text passages.
Our region currently has access to:
Kids Can Code Bundle
Code Power: A Teen Programmer’s Guide Bundle
Tech Girls Bundle
Makerspaces Bundle
New As of September 2019
And several more titles!